A moment later, the White Cloud Tower closed its mind and meditated. "There are still three days to go, and it seems that refining is an opportunity for the human world …"


Then the Baiyun Tower put away the sundial magic weapon and distractions and bent over to look at the territory view of Xihai Kingdom. It is business to take this opportunity to find a disposal.
A moment later, I really found a perfect place, and then my figure flashed and the aura machine disappeared.
At the same time, the big demon of the foreign country suddenly raised his head and looked at the top of the sky through the best of it.
A moment later, I muttered, "Heaven breath can’t be wrong. It seems to be approved …"
Say this big demon seems to be greatly relieved to lie prone to sink my heart and continue refining.
At the same time, due to the misleading smell of the magic weapon of the sundial, it was mistaken by the alien demon for the white head of the Heaven Road, which was standing on the top of a cloud and fog, and the eye could see it carefully.
Looking at the Baiyun Tower around the summit, it is also a great relief.
I have to look for it carefully for a day and a half. I didn’t expect to find it so wonderfully with my eyes.
Here, the mountains are surrounded by two strange peaks, which are located on both sides of the river and near the river, both of which are axe-like cliffs
A mountain facing south is called Yang and a mountain facing south is called Yang and a mountain facing south is called Yang. The water vapor transpiration in the place where the wind passes and the surrounding mountains form a wonderful natural battle here.
It is the fog around these two peaks all year round.
It’s not far from the city where Xia Shi-gu is stationed, and it’s only a few tens of miles away. Just think about Baiyun Tower and give Xia Shi-gu a spiritual thought.
Counting the breath, there was a flash of thunder, and Xia Shigu’s peak showed his shape.
"Yunlou, are you going to deploy here?" Xia Shigu didn’t expect this courtyard elder brother to find the disposal place so soon.
"This place can only be deployed …" Smiled a little at Baiyunlou. "Are you interested in opening up a cave in a remote place in Xizhou?"
Suddenly, when I heard this, Xia Shigu couldn’t help wondering, "Cave in Heaven?"
Baiyun Tower nodded slightly but said little.
Xia Shigu immediately knew that the elder brother of this hospital had an unusual eyesight, and he must have seen what he knew.
Chapter seven hundred and seventy-two fenglei changes
Just a thought Xia Shigu immediately said happily, "Since Brother Ziyang can open up a cave in the state, I can’t …"
"What do you see here in Yunlou that can open up a hole in the sky?"
"Elder martial aunt went to the heights with her younger brother …" It was said that the shape of the Baiyun Tower flashed for several miles, and Xia Shigu also flashed for heels.
Bowing down and looking at the square, the clouds billowed over the mountains in Fiona Fang for more than ten miles
The aura of water in the clouds is extremely strong, which covers a large mountain shape. It is difficult for monks to see the true shape without practicing dharma eyes.
With a wave of his sleeve, Baiyun Tower dispersed the dreamland clouds, which showed the mountain hidden in the clouds.
Not only that, the five elements of reiki flow is also clearly manifested.
Xia Shi-gu is proficient in the multiplier Lingbao refining technique, and her accomplishments are not weak. When she wakes up in Baiyun Tower, Xia Shi-gu immediately sees the abnormality here.
After thousands of years of evolution, this steep mountain peak and winding river have finally formed a natural formation.
Xia Shigu is lamenting that Yu has changed in the dreamland.
A few mountain shapes have been slightly trimmed, and the fog has actually shown thunder and lightning.
It turned out that the divination was a sign of awe, and martial aunt Xia knew completely that she would not wait for this cloud to continue to change, and she said cheerfully, "This land was opened here today."
After a little summer meal, Shi Gu turned and said, "I came to take a picture for the second time … Cloud Building has a heart. Shi Gu likes it very much …"
Upon hearing this, Baiyun Building laughed freely. "There is one more thing that Shi Gu should like better."
Without waiting for Xia Shigu to speak out, he went on to say, "This time, my brother went to Kyoto to help Xia Huang’s adult solve the secret thing in addition to dealing with palace examination …"
"Is it the secret of blood coagulation?" Xia Shigu was surprised and asked, her eyes were full of hope.
"It’s just that it should be enough to get through for only three months …" The corner of Baiyun Building’s mouth is still a little proud of this matter.
"So … that year …" Xia Shi-gu looked at the eastern sky and was in high spirits.
Baiyun Tower is also a smooth sigh with emotion. "At that time, Xia Huang’s adult had changed his name to father …"
"oh? It seems that your brother has also calmed down the cloud floor. This trip to Kyoto is a great harvest. "
"Haha, thank you for your advice and help."
"Brother, how did you get to princess royal when you changed your mouth, or did you cry like a teacher?"
"Aunt …" The Baiyun Tower called a good woman.
Xia Shigu smiled freely and his figure flashed into the clouds.
Clouds and clouds Lei Guang flashed several times, and the purple Leijian Gang broke through the clouds and cut into several people’s hills.
For a time, the natural large array of reiki flows more smoothly, and the cloud and fog in Lei Guang become more and more bright.
Brewing for a while, a stunning sword light wrapped in bright Lei Guang instantly broke the virtual.
Lei Guang in that figure decisively a flash directly into the virtual.
Nowadays, the Nishang real-life repair has broken through to the middle period of Yuan Ying, and Yuan Ying’s strength has greatly increased. With the help of the purple thunder sword, the natural large-scale earthquake thunder potential has begun to evolve into a cave.
On the sidelines, Bai Dagong seized the opportunity to imperial Kunlun and poured a huge amount of pure yang fairy gas into the virtual entrance.
Just when brewing, the Baiyun Tower was divided into souls and knew the sea carefully, and this thunder was derived from the pure yang fairy spirit, which should get twice the result with half the effort.
With the pure sunshine pouring into the entrance and the roar, Lei Yin is more and more shocking.
Look at Baiyun Tower from the viewpoint of virtual entrance, and you already know the evolution of Master Gu’s cave.
This is a convenient way to directly break the hole through a huge amount of fairy dust, and by the way, it will be derived from more than ten miles of mountains in Fiona Fang
When I saw this prototype Baiyun Tower, I immediately stopped watching and stepped back to the top of the cliff, sat down in the sea of knowledge, fled into the third floor of the exquisite pagoda, and found a gathering fairy array here in Xizhou.
It’s a lot easier to deduce the fairy array with natural appearance base.

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