"Oh, don’t hurry! Help me! "


"Give me a hand! I’m still strong!"
"boom! Let me in quickly! "
Chapter 794 Kill each other
The escort station suddenly became chaotic, and Su Yu took over and retired in peace.
Leitian five people instantly took out Lingbao to form a wall and surrounded Su Yu and An An behind them.
The weak Tianjiao lost the protection of the escort and was swallowed up by the dead in an instant and turned into a pile of bones.
Tianjiao, who is a little stronger, reacted to prop up the energy shield for help, but it was too late. Once it was contaminated, it would devour everything immediately.
The alien tianjiao who wanted to escape into the escort station was secretly slapped by Ziyashan Terran and fell on the spot.
I’m afraid I was thrown out, and the arrogant people of the hundred families never thought that they would fall in this way until they died!
"Su Yu, what do you mean!"
"Su Yu wants me to be a hundred enemies!"
"Su Yu! Aren’t you afraid that my hundred families will step on your Chinese empire again? "
There is nothing more infuriating than the death of an alien tianjiao.
A few aliens clamored as if they could lead their troops to set foot in the country for a moment.
Su Yu’s face is as heavy as earth, and the emperor’s coercion opens in an instant.
The atmosphere between the two camps was tense at once.
"Dig my corner play my princess! I am more interested in grabbing! "
Su Yu scanned the homicidal one hundred families tianjiao heart already murder LingRan "calculate war again! There are still tens of millions of troops in our Chinese empire who have never killed aliens! Whoever dares to commit an offense will let him go back and forth! "
I am never afraid of fighting terrans!
Listening to the emperor’s words, Wang Chuan withered five people feel excited all over.
Purple Cliff Mountain Tianjiao looked at Su Yu in shock. Maybe this Su Yu is crazy!
Actually, it is necessary for one country to resist all ethnic groups!
One national strength is against a hundred families! ?
I’ve heard about Su Yu for a long time and I know that this man will do what he says.
If you want to fight, you have to wait until you leave the ruins.
Therefore, he stopped Ziya Mountain from letting the tianjiao people back channels, but it was also a pity that Wushengge Tianjiao people were relieved.
There are still necromancers out there, and they’re just being taken by others!
Then talk about sanctification!
"How do you dare not go to war with my Chinese people?"
Lan an Su Yu glanced at the ginseng and said indifferently.
Dare not go to war with your Terran! ?
Don’t be shameless!
I’m so angry!
The real ginseng doesn’t know what will suddenly develop like this. He didn’t pay attention to the things around An ‘an. A few people’s eyes flashed. They vaguely guessed An ‘an’s identity, but they didn’t dare to be strong at this time.
They can envy and envy eyes secretly staring at Su Yu and Ann, the damn human being, how so lucky to have Kyubi no Youko God!
It’s a pity that Su Yu has a golden law to protect himself. In this case, Root Law snatched the nine-tailed fox from this human.
"Su Xiong, we’ll discuss it later. Aren’t the tianjiao people of the hundred families going to scout? If they don’t, let them scout."
Lin Qianyi saw that things were getting worse and worse and concluded that
We can’t and can’t fight the hundred families now.
Lin Qianyi knows that Su Yu can make him pierce the sky. What else does he dare not do?
Afraid of Su Yu’s temper to kill the remaining arrogance of the hundred families.
That’s really over.
"scout? You’re right. Isn’t it necessary for the hundred families to find out how many meters they can explore? "
Su Yu has a deep voice and is quite stuffy. Wang Chuan withered and reacted.
Exploring the road? At this time, Emperor Jun, what other way do you want me to explore?
If these cowards dare to molest my empress, I’ll chop them up for you myself!
Heart murderous Pentium Wang Chuan withered to prepare to start work.
Wang Chuanyi nai patted his impulsive bro "Sichuan withered ah emperor said to let you follow didn’t hear the command?"
"Oh, follow me. No problem, no problem."
Wang Chuan’s withered anger was about to refute, and suddenly his mind flashed and his painting style turned sharply.
There are a lot of necromancers ahead, and when something happens, Wang Chuan can retreat alone.
But if the arrogance of the hundred families is destroyed, will the hundred families continue to be arrogant?
As the saying goes, there is no harm to the emperor. This is a disguised form to let yourself vent.
Wang Chuan is wandering around badly with dry eyes. He said while positioning himself. "Don’t you have a watch, Emperor? You don’t know the distance when you look at us."
Wusheng Pavilion, Ziya Mountain and Baijia Tianjiao all changed their faces.
How can the lower plane appear in the unified positioning!
Su Yu nodded and moved the news that the necromancer faded, and also told Wang Chuan that it was dry.

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