Meng Fei is in no hurry. It’s leisurely tea.


This VIP room is very comfortable. Next to the jade table, Long Xianxiang table is lit. The tea is not ordinary tea, but soaked in Lingcao. Meng Fei smells the aroma and obviously he is treated well.
Looking at the square from the window, many people talk about it, which is a sense of superiority.
Meng Fei is the first time to feel that he has achieved the level of benefits, and he is still in the level of God. I am afraid that a group of people are sitting together in the face.
Considering the sudden curtain movement, a middle-aged belle came in with Nolan.
This middle-aged belle is wearing a shimmering gown, and Meng Fei will know at a glance that it is a warrior of God of War as much as Meng Fei’s own tunic.
And this middle-aged belle is also a master of speaking.
Meng Fei was taken aback at first, but I didn’t expect to meet such a master. But it’s not unusual to think that the Heaven Pavilion even sells the unique fairy wares, and it’s not surprising that the master acts as a personnel. Maybe even the master of Fadan is condensed.
I don’t know what to call this middle-aged belle. As soon as she came in and stared at Meng Fei, I introduced myself, but I am the master of this Heaven Pavilion. I can call me Aunt Thirteen. I am responsible for utensils and objects.
My name is Fang Shiyu Meng Fei, and I hesitated. I don’t know if Tiandaoge can eat my other six robes.
Aunt thirteen glanced at the table and smiled gently. Don’t say that six fighters are six immortals. I may not be able to eat Fang Gong. You killed Taiying Demon’s brother and seized them, right?
Because of the Millennium, gold silkworm Taiying Demon Sect has been trained in large quantities, and it is still very popular for Taiying Demon Sect to become cassock.
Well, Meng Fei turned cold.
It’s no big deal. We don’t care about the origin of the treasure in Tiandaoge. Even if the shadow demon patriarch knows it, he can’t come to the Northern Yuan Empire to make trouble. Thirteen aunts saw Meng Fei’s face was not good and hurriedly explained.
A piece of clothing, 2 million spiritual stars and stones, here is 12 million spiritual stars and stones, and the accommodating thirteen aunts handed a small bag again.
Meng Fei entered the sleeve and thirteen aunts also undressed.
An easy game benefits both parties.
I don’t know what other artifacts and treasures Fang Gong wants to sell. Before the treasure-selling conference, there will be many treasures inside, and even more Shou Yuan-level Dan medicine funds are abundant, the more opportunities there are to get treasures. Thirteen aunts said again
Also some Meng Fei wanted to think about killing Tieqing and got some flying swords and vestments.
I got dozens of flying swords and vestments after killing Tieqing, but I have never had my hands. Now I can replace them with Lingxing Stone.
These Taoist utensils are ordinary goods, but it seems that Fang Gong has to change a little money at will, so I won’t be stingy with the 13 th aunt of the 1 million Lingxing Stone Road.
It seems that I took advantage, and Meng Fei took it without bargaining.
This business came to Meng Fei, and some useless things were sold and counted. Except for two fairy wares and a divination furnace, there were only three treasure bags left, which were the three true brothers of the Temple.
This treasure bag is also a good thing, and many people can’t get it. At least it’s worth hundreds of thousands of Lingxing stones, but Meng Fei can’t bring it, otherwise it will cause some clues for people to find out.
In addition, Meng Fei is left with a pile of immortal monster beast sunder armor and more than 600,000 magic pills.
Such a check Meng Fei immediately knew that he was not rich, and his department was worth more than 50 million spirit stones, plus the 1,000 spirit stones obtained by selling the God of War soldiers just now, which was 60 million.
Seeing that there are no utensils to sell in Meng Fei, Aunt 13th nodded to Nolan. Nolan, you stay here with this man, and if he wants to sell anything, directly call the elders of Yaoge to greet me to the main treasure selling conference.
It was Nolan who asked the senior to come with me for the treasure selling meeting at Mengfei Road after his 13th aunt left.
It’s not urgent. I’m here to hear that you sell five elements of God of War soldiers and five elements of holy water today. Meng Fei doesn’t want to say more about asking what he needs first.
The seniors are in urgent need of these things to go to the VIP room, but today’s treasure selling conference is the most grand one, and there are a lot of people coming here. It’s not easy for the seniors to take a suitable photo, but it’s convenient for me to borrow money from the seniors.
Nolan said as he introduced Meng Fei into the VIP room
How much interest can you borrow at one time? Meng Fei felt funny when he heard this. In the secular world, snowballing usury, king Qian Jinlong’s debt and so on, I didn’t expect the monastic world to do the same.
However, this is very beneficial to Meng Fei. Although he has a huge sum of 60 million Lingxing stones, he is afraid that he will not be able to borrow some pure anode jewels today, which is a good choice.
Against him, he still has more than 600 thousand magic pills, and he is not afraid to repay the loan
Seeing that Meng Fei seems to be very interested in borrowing, Nolan’s face showed a trace of color and hurriedly said, we can know the details of our predecessors’ identity and where they are. If we practice, we can let our predecessors borrow 10 million pieces of Lingxing stone at one time, and earn three points a month.
If you borrow 10 million today, you will have to repay more than 13 million in the next month, and it will still be profitable.
Only 10 million knows about this matter. Let’s talk about it later. Meng Fei waved his hand after listening to it. He now has a huge sum of 60 million yuan and doesn’t care about borrowing 10 million. How is it possible to tell each other all the details?
Of course, he also knows that 10 million Lingxing stones are a huge number. Of course, the other party needs to know the details of the borrower.
Is it true that my predecessors want to borrow more? This is not non-negotiable. Nolan frowned. She doesn’t have much wealth in Meng Fei. Now it seems that the other party has a big appetite, but it is not for me to be the winner.
Then call a master who can do it. I need to borrow at least 100 million yuan, but I can repay the loan by magic. Meng Fei’s fingers flicked and banged.

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