Listen to Duan Fei’s command that every account can be clearly stated, and there is not a penny difference. Xiao Xiao was dumbfounded. Does this still belong to the human brain?


Mark carefully recorded Duan Fei’s every word, and the speed of his strong and horrible reaction has long been normal.
Does it feel terrible for the cabinet owner?
Looking back, water ourtenant looked at her.
Xiaoxiao shook his head and tut-tut has surpassed ordinary people’s level.
Dare to rob people under Duan Yi’s nose and scare Duan Yunyan to death, and even command the strength of these Jianghu experts. In addition to good sports, now there is another subject, which is terrible. It is simply horrible.
Hehe, the water is soft and smiling, and her eyes are blinking at her. How can ordinary people be able to resist us weirdos?
Girl, the distant frost called for a room to be ready. Let’s take a rest first. We won’t arrive until tonight.
Oh, Xiaoxiao smiled at her gratefully.
Pull out twelve thousand pieces of silver, and prepare some hot water in the non-brow lift of the command section of the mark.
Trace eyelid didn’t lift a seriously remember to pull out twelve thousand silver and then prepare hot water. Suddenly he paused and looked up at the hot water.
After realizing the idea of cabinet, he suddenly realized that he closed his books and smiled desperately, so he went to boil water.
Duan Fei looked back at the river again. The seemingly calm eyes seemed to be different.
Sitting in the bath tub, surrounded by hot water, it’s warm and dawn, with your head on the edge and your arms on the edge, and your eyes closed as much as possible to keep your brain white.
Those unpleasant pictures are just like a colorful oil painting, which has been splashed with slops. Even if it is cleaned and left on the wall, the foul smell will make people vomit.
Open your eyes slowly and clear them inside.
From now on, she will no longer be controlled by others, and her heart will dominate her everything.
Include that person she once loved but try to forget.
The building ship is traveling very fast and has already landed before dark.
The afterglow of the setting sun glowed over half the sky, and several small fishing boats were moored in the fishing village by the river. Every family lit up the smoke, and the fresh fish came back in the yard that day. The scene was peaceful and detailed everywhere, and it became a paradise.
Uncle Li, when we came back, the boat waved to the old man sitting on the shore when the wind blew.
See is their uncle Li eyebrow eye immediately smiled, hurriedly stop hand small wind when to come over for a drink, I have been waiting for you for more than half a month.
Hey, hey, don’t worry. I’ll go with the wine door tomorrow
Okay, okay, okay. This time, it’s a deal.
Other fishermen also gathered around. Xiao Feng laughed. Do you always go to Uncle Li’s house to drink? Do you miss her?
It’s a pity that Chunfeng didn’t even look at him.
Everyone burst into uproar.
The wind is gone, Sableye. Who said she was afraid to love me after seeing it?
Haha, Chunfeng won’t be here. You’ve known how to show off since you were young.
Although everyone amuses himself with the wind, it seems that he is very popular here.
Xiaoxiao followed everyone on the boat and looked at all this here. She didn’t expect these Jianghu people to get along so well with ordinary people that they didn’t even shy away from their identity.
As if to see her wondering, Shui Jiao said with a smile, these fishermen have been tortured by pirates. Thanks to the owner of the cabinet, they will never do anything to sell us to the royal pavilion like their family, but no one knows the identity of the owner. They know that the owner of the cabinet can’t be like a god. Chapter 93
Eyes on the man walking in front of the robe was lifted by the sea breeze, which was quite a bit of a sage like type.
It seems that she is indifferent to the world, but the fact surprised her
Duan Fei, what kind of person is he?

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