Is it bat snake Meng Fei’s heart trembling?


Linghu Ren also shocked him. Meng Fei couldn’t help but slow down quietly.
Neither the two of them nor other examinations in front of Nie Feng dare to make a sound for fear of waking up that terrible ultimate bat snake.
Why do you say that the bat snake is the ultimate level? That’s because the strength of this snake is the ultimate level.
The Shengquan Sect put it in here to test the fate of the people.
You know, the potential of a cultivation talent is important, but it can’t be compared with luck.
In this world, everyone who has achieved great things is not a person who has a great chance of luck.
If you are unlucky, no matter how proud you are, you are doomed to die young.
This snake is put here to test everyone’s luck.
If you are passing through this passage and it is asleep, it is a good thing to say that you are lucky.
But if this bat snake wakes up when you pass this floor, it means that you are unlucky to die here.
However, Meng Shaoshao’s luck seems to be good, because the bat snake didn’t wake up when they entered the third floor passage from beginning to end.
When we reach that fourth floor of the elimination tow
I didn’t expect you to come to this floor alive, and the cold voice sounded not far away.
Meng Fei turned to look.
Mulonghan is sitting in the snow at the moment, and his left leg has been bitten by some monster. At the moment, the white light is wrapped and the speed can be felt growing constantly.
It has obviously grown to the knee.
Mulonghan is very pale. Obviously, after a fierce battle just now, he has been hit hard. At the moment, Mulonghan is in a bad state.
Why don’t you go Mulonghan and look up at Meng Fei?
Meng Fei was in the ground and didn’t hurry to leave.
He can see that Mulonghan’s strength is greatly reduced at the moment, especially when his left leg is broken. It is troublesome for Mulonghan to move at the moment. Although he can fly, the flexibility of flying without his left leg is reduced by half.
Thanks, Mulonghan said two words in silence for a moment and then concentrated on treating the injury.
Meng Fei walked beside Linghu Ren and secretly said a few words to him. This guy’s eyes flashed and he disappeared into the forest.
For a while
I’m fine. I owe you one. Mulonghan got up and took a look at Meng Fei. He didn’t say anything more about personalization. A phantom flew directly to the high.
Meng Fei stayed on the ground for nearly half an hour and finally flew with a sigh.
The snow world is vast and white, and many tall trees stand proudly in the snow, but they are covered with a layer of silver.
Meng Fei flew for a while and found an acquaintance who met Zhao Yingxin outside the elimination tower.
Meng Xiong Zhao Ying flew up with a smile and said, I still have you in the face.
Are you me? I can’t cross the three-story elimination tower. Meng Fei chuckles and is not afraid to tell you the truth. I’m really lucky, otherwise I might not pass the three-story passage.
Zhao Yingxin is frowning Diane eyebrow way actually didn’t meet three layers of people is not necessarily not a good thing, after all, they still have to retreat may be once into the fourth floor, if the number is more than one hundred, then we can catch each other to fight. Chapter four hundred and fifty-two Fire King.
Meng Fei nodded his head.
Then the two of them flew side by side, and Zhao Ying woke up. Now the number of people who broke into the fourth floor has reached 70. If you go beyond 30 and enter this fourth floor, you may lose your life once you are distracted.
At Zhao Yingxin Meng Fei metamorphoses, he woke up very alert and hesitated. If you really do, you won’t secretly hand it to me, will you?
Zhao Ying’s beautiful eyes blinked and asked, will you give me a hand?
Do you think I’m surprised at the strength of your hand, Meng Fei?
It was a few hours ago that I didn’t recognize you, which threatened me, but your strength seems to be far from what we saw on the surface. Zhao Yingxin said with a wry smile, Brother Meng, I have a feeling that we may really have to join hands to fight.
The heat wave fills the fourth floor, and even the distant figure is blurred and distorted.
Zhao Yingxin came quickly with a familiar sound coming from a distance. Meng Fei couldn’t help looking into the distance. The figure in the distance was very vague, but he still distinguished that the figure in the distance was from Luoyun Empire Cai Shaojie.
Although Meng Fei’s heart is a little low, there must be a very critical situation ahead, otherwise Cai Shaojie would never ask for help.
Hearing Cai Shaojie yelling at Meng Fei, although he hesitated, his will was firm, because anyway, Cai Shaojie, Zhao Yingxin and others have formed a small alliance outside.
In a place like the elimination tower, unless you choose to give up, you must join hands with others to make it possible to go step by step to the end.
Brother Fang, let’s go there, too. Meng Fei greeted Fang Zhi indifferently and turned into a mirage. Soon he came to a place where many people gathered together. Not only Cai Shaojie was here, but also Gu Qianchou Mulonghan was there.
These five practices are gathered together.
Besides a few of them, Zhu Buqun, the fat one, is also nearby.

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