Then he should go from


Such as coping
If it proves that he is the true god?
Isoriel did not move. He watched the roaring storms deeply and once again put his hand to his heart.
"Ladies and gentlemen," he said to the other generals around him, "are you ready to sacrifice to God?"
This sentence he said is like a god to be continued.
Ps 2 nd Geng
Page three hundred and ninety-three Swallow heaven and earth
Almost in an instant.
The generals around Isoriel took a step back consciously.
With more frightened eyes.
Because they couldn’t help but think of what they saw in Zhongjun’s tent that night.
Is that a god?
Or a demon
It’s definitely not that it no longer belongs to human category.
That horrible smell reminded them of the blood pupil hanging over the head of the War College on the day when the red sun set.
So they gave in.
And now they want to escape.
Because that horrible smell is being released from a certain part of his body by Izriel tens of thousands of times.
They can feel fear clearly, just like animals predict disaster
They want to escape from Isoriel.
Unfortunately, I can’t come.
A hundred time more powerful than that horrible breath released by Izriel swept them.
Hold them all firmly.
An extremely black substance, the center of Izriel’s circle is like a net, which generally captures all those who try to escape.
Then suck.
A huge and terrible sucking spread all over the battlefield, and it rang in everyone’s ear in a low and broad way.
Followed by swallowing
It’s like someone swallowed a mouthful of saliva in your ear.
a moment
Those generals who were entangled in extremely black matter turned into a thin skin in an instant, as if they had been drained of all materials.
Isoriel, on the other hand, is like a spinning spider. Isoriel’s figure has undergone even more terrible changes, and more extremely black substances have spread from his heart and wrapped him up like vines.
He rose to the sky, and an inexplicable smell emanated from those extremely black substances in his body and burned around him.
Make him look like a dark sun.
He looked at the people who were surging towards him, and suddenly his eyes widened. Suddenly, a blood-red gas filled his pupil.
It’s no longer human eyes, and it’s no longer Isoriel’s eyes.
That’s the demon pupil
"Kill him! ! !” The storm has swept through the stars, the thunder roared, the knife flashed, and everyone was more energetic and rushed towards the demon that was rapidly evolving in Isoriel.
Because they have already felt the smell.
That disturbing smell.
Never let him take shape.
In the face of such a breath
Chen Senran also released his strongest breath without stopping. A spear condensed by absolute black inflammation followed by all violent energy.
Prepare to make a fatal blow
"Are we going to do it too?" Has been watching the play, the virtual alliance, and everyone is watching the changing battlefield. Someone can’t help but ask 1
"No, not yet." Desmason, the oldest of all, said, "He hasn’t come yet."
Tala Livache
In fact, Chen Senran is also watching.
Although he also invested enough strength to deal with Isoriel.

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