Chapter 207
Chapter 207
"You are really brave." The hoarse voice rang again, "Here, then leave it for me. Don’t think that with an artifact, you can do whatever you want in front of me."
"Lord’s adult, be careful" Kerry fiercely pulled Qin Chu.
Qin Chu, just then, in front of the tunnel, the smoke surged rapidly, and then a huge black beast rushed out, with four blood-red eyes on his forehead, long fangs and fierce growling, and rushed to Eugene and them.
Qin Chu you see, the huge beast, with a height of more than 10 meters, just blocked the tunnel, with a perfect dark color and uneven surface, covered with a thick layer of skin. At this moment, he opened his mouth and spit out black smoke, which enveloped Eugene and others.
At the same time, the huge beast also raised its claws and pressed it down.
"Lord, this is a dark super summoning creature." Kerry secretly told Qin Chu, "The other party should be proficient in dark summoning."
Eugene’s brow flashed a trace of rage. He held a scepter in one hand and made a free hand, giving a hard push at the galloping monster.
Huhuhu ~ ~ The temperature in the tunnel rose instantly.
This is the interior of the volcano, and the content of fire attribute elements is extremely rich. Eugene can exert fire magic without any effort. Instantly, the raging orange-red flame has wrapped the dark creature.
"It won’t be that simple. This super summoning creature is very powerful." Kerry’s voice rang out in Qin Chu’s mind.
Sure enough, before Eugene could breathe, two huge claws had come out of the orange-red probe and pulled to both sides, and the flame wrapped around it was like a piece of paper, which split from the middle.
Eugene died by surprise, but it was an old guy with rich combat experience. He was yellow and not chaotic. He stamped his foot hard and boomed, and one thick sharp spike popped up in the tunnel instantly.
Earth Magic
"Depend, it’s terrible to cast magic in it." Qin Chu scolded 1 in his heart and immediately fell back. Qin Chu, they are now in the interior of the volcano, using the magic of the earth system, and it is easy to cause the collapse of the internal structure of the volcano. If the volcano collapses at this time, no matter who it is, it will suffer.
Qin Chu has taken out the transmission scroll, as long as the situation is slightly wrong, it will be transmitted immediately.
"rumble ~ ~"
The super summoning creature was caught off guard, and was pierced through the body by the protruding ground, and then the residual potential did not rest, and crashed into the rock wall of the magma tunnel on one side. To detain, the whole rock wall going down the rocks.
"Quick, rush over." Eugene shouted without hesitation. He didn’t seem worried that the volcano would collapse.
Qin Chu mind flash across this doubt, the other two dragons have followed in the past. Qin Chu hesitated a little, and followed quickly.
He had thought of putting away the fallen materials of the gourmet refiner, but things kept falling down here, and Eugene had already passed with a scepter, and Qin Chu could not be too prominent, so he had to give up the idea in his heart and follow the past quickly.
"Roar ~ ~" is the roar of that kind of beast just now, and the beast that ran in front of the tunnel again. The wild animals run fast in the tunnel, and the result is that the stone walls around the tunnel quickly crack.
Qin Chu’s mind flashed warning signs, and then he saw the tunnel in front of him and quickly collapsed down. And the tunnel overhead pressed down.
The tunnel finally collapsed.
"It was really killed by this bastard" Qin Chu denounced in his heart. At this time, even if the transmission scroll was torn, time was not enough. Because it takes a little time to start the transmission reel, it is very likely that when I tore the transmission reel, I was buried alive below.
Eugene was finally not as calm as he was just now, and he also showed his fear.
Qin Chu at that time also did not hide himself, hand once again, Kowloon life and death mirror appeared in the hand. Qin Chumeng fuelling psychic force, the mirror to the side near the lava pool, according to the past quickly. He didn’t dare to shine on his head, because that would only cause more landslides and accelerate their demise.
Qin Chu has decided that where he is now is not far from the magma. Generally speaking, above the magma, there will be a huge space. Qin Chu takes a sideways photo, which is to get through the channel and then escape to the space above the magma.
A bloody brilliance exudes a sharp and unparalleled breath and suddenly shines out from the mirror. A three zhangs wide channel appeared in front of Qin Chu.
Usually, it’s a magic weapon, and it wants to consume spiritual power. What’s more, now it’s a spiritual treasure that is fuelling such fate. Qin Chu this photo, fully cost him thirty percent of the psychic force, but in order to save his life, Qin Chu also wasted her.
"Go" Qin Chu with a drink, fiercely rushed into the channel. According to the current trend, this passage will exist for a short time, and Qin Chu must rush out before the passage collapses.
See Qin Chu just this recruit, Eugene face a little shocked, see Qin Chu has been thrown outward, and immediately followed blunt go out.
Qin Chu rushed out of the channel, just hold your body, Kerry and Eugene several people also rushed out. Then the temporary passage drilled out also collapsed rapidly.
"That was close." Qin Chu breathed a sigh of relief, but Eugene beside him suddenly shouted, "What is that?"
Qin Chu followed Eugene’s eyes and was suddenly surprised. Above the magma, there was a huge pool filled with red liquid. The strangest thing is that there is a huge skull bone in the huge bloody pool.
"You can run here." The skeleton didn’t move, but there was a hoarse voice around.
In this space, there is no smoke just now.
Qin Chu see clearly that there is still a distance from the magma in that huge pool, and above that magma, like algernon’s original layout, has been banned, in order to avoid the magma rushing up.
The poisonous smoke from the magma has not rushed up, so it has emerged from the tunnel below. So in the space above the magma, there is no smoke at all, but it feels a little fresh.

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