The magic-free old man raised his head indifferently and looked at the East Emperor. His hoarse voice sounded: "Anyone who repairs … is not bullied."


Simple words, but full of shock, if others dare to talk to the East Emperor like this, everyone will definitely despise it. But for this mysterious old man who can easily take a blow from the East Emperor, no one dares to say "no" in his words.
"Who are you?" The East Emperor also calmed down and stared at the old man without magic with dignified eyes.
"Fan Xiu." No magic old man’s answer, just two words.
Fanxiu! This two word really struck people’s hearts like a hammer, especially those who taught the immortal gate. They couldn’t help but face drastic changes and said with horror, when did such a strong practitioner appear in the process of repairing, but he could rival the East Emperor?
"I see, he is the old man who appeared in Shahai a year ago." The crowd suddenly remembered such a sound, which was obviously a practitioner who had escaped from the sand sea.
"Sand sea? Is it the old man who climbed out of the sarcophagus? " Some people familiar with the situation immediately took a cold breath.
The old man without magic has undoubtedly become the focus of everyone’s attention at the moment. The thin old man with withered steamed bread calmly stared at the East Emperor and suddenly said, "Where is the old thief in case Xu? Is it dead? "
The whole audience was stunned, saying that they didn’t expect the old man without magic to say such a sentence, which was completely confusing. But it is such a sentence, but it makes the East Emperor’s body tremble violently. In the immortal gate of the Great Sect, some older people are also discolored.
"You … what did you say?" The East Emperor is unbelievable.
"What if Xu?" No magic old man light way.
Everyone was silent, and a junior of the great Sect Xianmen in the crowd asked the old man next to him, "Elder, who is Yiwanxu?"
"The last Eastern Emperor." The old man’s eyes are dignified.
Under everyone’s nervous gaze, the body of the old man without magic slowly floated to the front of the East Emperor, still in the hoarse voice: "Don’t tell me if the old thief Xu is dead."
"You …" The East Emperor’s face suddenly turned livid, and he shouted, "Who are you to call my master by his first name?"
At this moment, the East Emperor has seen the extraordinary of the old man, and even dare not use the name "the Emperor".
Looking at the East Emperor’s face, the old man without magic showed a scary smile: "It seems that in case the old thief Xu is not dead, go back and tell the old thief that the debt owed should be paid!"
Want to pay?
There is such a question in everyone’s heart. After all, the words of the old man without magic are too inexplicable. However, Zhuge’s dim heart is slightly moved. Among these people present, he still knows more about the old man without magic, but it is only limited. Looking at the imposing manner of the old man without magic at the moment, and then associating him with the sarcophagus that was suppressed under the altar before, it is estimated that it has something to do with the one thousand Xu mentioned by the old population without magic.
But there is another mystery, that is, the demon monk. Zhuge Liang always feels that there seems to be some relationship between the old man without magic and the demon monk.
The East Emperor was silent, and he felt vaguely that the ordinary old man in front of him might not be able to provoke himself. This is a kind of irony. The master of the eastern region is beaten by a mysterious old man at the moment.
At this time, the old man without magic turned his head, looked towards the entrance of the ancient ruins in the distance, and then stepped on the void and walked towards the entrance of the ancient ruins with swaying steps, as if he had really become an old man who was dying.
"He wants to enter the ancient ruins!" The people of the Great Sect of Immortals changed their colors one after another, and they couldn’t help looking towards the East Emperor at the same time, hoping that the East Emperor would show something. But to his surprise, the East Emperor didn’t mean to stop him. He just stared at the old man without magic tightly, just watching him walk towards the ancient ruins.
"What are you doing? Follow." Zhuge Liang won’t let the opportunity pass by when he is not bright. At this moment, the old man without magic has stunned everyone, including the East Emperor. These people themselves just took this opportunity to follow the magic-free old man into the ancient ruins.
In this way, even the Eastern Emperor did not dare to stop it.
After thinking about it, Zhuge fell off before dawn and flew up, flying behind the old man without magic towards the ancient ruins.
"This bastard!" Some people who teach Xianmen gnash their teeth.
With Zhuge not bright to take the lead, these people who repair the alliance also came to their senses. Immediately, Su Xiaobai, Su Hengfei, and Su Lao and others who repaired the alliance also quickly followed up.
"Eldest brother, and we ~ ~" Liu Mang let out a cry and joined Liu Zihan, Sheela and Miao Xianji followed up.
In every alliance, almost more than 100 practitioners were selected and followed the old man without magic to fly to the ancient ruins. The rest of these people may be ashamed of their lack of strength and did not follow them.
Seeing this scene, the faces of this group of people of the Great Sect are not very good-looking. A senior figure of the Great Sect took a careful look at the East Emperor and said, "My Lord, what shall we do?"
"Go in." The East Emperor took a deep breath and said slowly.
The closer you get to this ancient relic, the more you can feel a special breath when Zhuge is not bright, and this breath seems to be similar to the secret land of the monster beast clan when he was in Kyushu. Zhuge couldn’t help wondering if this mysterious ancient relic really had something to do with the demon race.
But now, but still no demon people show up, is it that we haven’t got the news yet?
While thinking about it, Zhuge Liang glanced back at Liu Mang, Lu Zihan and Miao Xianji behind him and said, "Be careful, and leave at the wrong time."
"Well …" Rogue nodded solemnly. After all, people who enter here are masters, and their cultivation is still very low. What really happened to them? Not only could they not help Zhuge, but they would hold him back.

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