Holding the magic mirror, Wu Ming’s heart suddenly became more sure. How can that fellow escape and he will chase after him!


Tian Hou Wu Ming resigned from the Bodhisattva.
"But is there anything wrong with the poor monk?"
Wu Ming said with a smile, "Bodhisattva worries too much because the imperial edict dare not delay. That fellow doesn’t know that the hiding place needs to be explored."
The Bodhisattva stopped asking for help, saying, "If you need it, Jieke can help you."
After leaving Xuyi, Wu Ming walked down the river with a bear in front of Hei Hu
When Qinghuai left, he told him that the Shuifu was roughly asking him to spare the life of the water ape.
Seeing Wu Ming’s departure, Wang Bodhisattva ordered his brothers to be good at monitoring the Huaihe River at any time.
Qi immediately sensed that a certain breath left, and he couldn’t help laughing at it.
The chain suddenly clattered, and the gods appeared. The Huaihe River suddenly surged like the sky were to fall.
It was that Qi who struggled and couldn’t get away.
"I can’t be trapped for long. Ha ha ha-"
"report! Empress ShuiFu foreign two weirdos "
A little demon entered the temple and reported.
Hearing this, the Great Sage of the Water Ape asked, "People?"
"I don’t know if it’s an empress who is black as carbon and white as face and says she has something to ask for."
The Great Sage of the Water Ape reclined on the coral throne and said, "Let them in."
A little while later, I saw two weirdos in the dark, visiting the temple in vain.
"The double evil spirits of the Great Sage of the Demon God Palace have seen the Empress."
The Great Sage of the Water Ape couldn’t help standing up when he heard this. "Are you the demon gods?"
"It was we who came to help the Empress with orders from the Great Sage."
The black devil said
"I have always been in contact with you in the Demon God Palace, but how can you help me?"
Since she was a child, she practiced in Huaihe River and never had any contact with the Demon God Palace. Now she says that she can help her. How can she not be suspicious? She is even more vigilant.
Bai Sha immediately said, "Don’t be suspicious, Empress. Presumably, you don’t know that Lord Zhiqi is my demon god’s secretary, otherwise we can’t find this place. Now that Empress wants to save her from trouble, how can we stand by and watch?"
The Great Sage of the Water Ape immediately frowned and his mother turned out to be a demon god imperial secretary!
But now I can’t consider many.
"That old monk in Xuyi Mountain is very powerful. Recently, there are gods who have killed ten arhats to help you. What can I do for you?"
Double evil spirit glances know that this water ape risks some look not to them.
Service road "I wait for the two of us to reverse the yin and yang, and then we will break the boundary between yin and yang, lead people to forget about Sichuan and Nai River, break the mountain, and kill that fellow Duomu by the way."
When the water ape heard this, he immediately went to the throne with great joy. "Please sit down quickly, two saints. With your help, great things can be achieved!"
Will double evil spirit arrange a maid to arrange a banquet to entertain all the people in the house for a while?
"Empress disaster! Disaster! There is a god outside the door who is making a hole in the door. "
The door demon ran into the temple in a panic and shouted
Suddenly the song and dance stopped
"Hum, let’s see which Mao God dares to come to my door and die!"
Then a little demon took the sword and skirt, and the Great Sage tied up his sword and led a group of hands and went out to check it out.
This water ape mansion is really hidden, and Wu Ming searched here for a long time before he noticed something strange.
The cave entrance is a Bai Sensen stone wall with five faint characters’ Huai River Water God House’
Who can find out if you are not careful?
I’m afraid it’s hard to take care of Hei Hu if he goes to fight alone, even if he is allowed to take the bear and set up a cloud to avoid here.
Immediately pull out the halberd and poke it at the stone wall.
You can’t hear the stone broken.
Before long, I saw that the stone wall turned into a water curtain, and a group of aquatic animals forked out with weapons.
"People hit my hole!"
The Great Sage of the Water Ape walked out of it and drank.
To see Wu Ming face suddenly a anger.

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1. 长沙市茶艺馆 位于长沙市芙蓉中路,长沙市茶艺馆是一家集茶艺表演、茶艺培训、茶文化交流于一体的综合性茶馆。这里环境优雅,装修古朴,充满着浓厚的茶文化氛围。馆内设有多个品茗区,提供各类名茶供顾客品尝,如碧螺春、铁观音、普洱等桑拿夜网品茶论坛。此外,还有专业茶艺师现场表演茶艺,让人领略到茶文化的魅力。 2. 湖南省茶文化博物馆 位于长沙市岳麓区,湖南省茶文化博物馆是我国首家省级茶文化博物馆桑拿夜网品茶论坛。馆内藏品丰富,展示了从古至今的茶文化发展历程。在这里,你可以了解到茶叶的种植、加工、制作过程,以及茶道、茶艺等传统文化。此外,馆内还设有品茗区,供游客免费品尝各类名茶。 3. 湘江之畔的茶座 在长沙,湘江之畔的茶座是市民们喜爱的休闲场所。这里环境优美,江水潺潺,绿树成荫。在这里,你可以一边品茗,一边欣赏湘江美景,感受长沙的自然风光。茶座提供各类名茶,如毛尖、铁观音、普洱等,让你在品味茶香的同时,放松身心。 4.…