It’s a pity and heartache to waste most of my acting career.


To tell the truth, Nai gave up Siyi in the rear of Yang Mi and once thought about who he should pull over and who will continue the operation of Drea.
No, although 644 finally left the Tang Dynasty, she won’t leave at this moment.
Liu tianxian?
also not line
The little sister has a neurotic and allergic mother.
Don’t be serious. I’m afraid it will be fun if you don’t have any interest in Liu Tianxian yourself.
Sugar? Sugar?
Still not working
Sugar and sugar play is very narrow.
Narrow to despair!
Although it is not without acting skills, the limitation of a single stage allows her to be the cornerstone of Drea’s rise.
Tangtang and Yingbao overlap too much.
Although it is not inseparable, my heart is bound to be the master of Yingbao.
Little yellow duck about to be excavated?
Although this actress is really good, later generations also sealed the Golden Horse Queen, but the road is narrow, and no actress in this type of film can match Bai Baihe at the moment.
Although I feel contempt for individuals, I have to admit that after the event of "touching a captain for gold" broke out for a long time in the future, Bai Baihe’s box office appeal was even worse at that time!
This is really not something to be proud of.
Although Yingbao has a promising future, to be honest, there is really a big question mark about who will win or lose in the next showdown.
Obviously, it is too likely that Bai Baihe will experience Yingbao’s loss
Then there are few targets left to choose from.
Either there is no big screen method for comparison, or it is simply a few box office slaps.
Although the success or failure of the box office can not be blamed on a single actor, if an actor can’t pick a good play, her vision will inevitably be questioned
Besides, acting in a bad film is a great blow to the reputation of artists.
Fang Siyi really had a crush on Da Tiantian.
On the whole, Britney Spears is also a very good candidate.
First of all, she is not short of money.
A girl who can send LV and other luxury bags as soon as she meets. You tell me that she can be short of money?
She doesn’t care about the salary
In fact, her only meaning is to be able to film and be recognized.
This is a strange woman who wants to be able to play the role of a big woman and is not too concerned about what type and theme!
Yeah, Britney Spears worked hard at filming.
Injured what? That’s a common occurrence.
But the good thing about this girl is that she never cries bitterly.
Moreover, according to some interviews and news reports, this girl can also bear hardships.
What’s playing and crying? Although limited by acting, she can’t talk about it easily, but she still tries to play it.
And she also has a strong heart!
Debuted in 6 years, but although the name has always been loud, my sister’s popularity has never been high and her fame has never been obvious.
Of course it’s a good reputation.
On the contrary, there are a lot of bad reviews and bad reviews.
I can’t bear it without some psychological endurance.
Box office …
To tell the truth, this thing is that different people have different opinions.
It is not difficult for the director to adjust J to make a good box office.
Although even by the end of Yingbao’s self-immolation, Tiantian Ying is still on the street and the road is getting farther and farther.
But a good girl doesn’t care about anything, but is determined to be herself.
This is very difficult.
However, it is too difficult to really be yourself if it is not because of my superior family circumstances.
However, one of the biggest problems in front of Fang Siyi is that the problem is not that he is a sweetheart, but that he is himself.
Fang Siyi believes that he is not a good actor who can adjust J. Whether the director can help my sister to go further and fall in love with Drea is really a puzzling question.
Chapter 17 Sweets’ Visit
Someone will ask if Britney Spears will see Drea in the background?
This kind of thing …
How to say
If it was that big and sweet behind the scenes before this year, it would be impossible to see that Fang Siyi has created a domestic box office champion. Although Avatar has turned this domestic box office champion into a domestic box office champion before, it has become a thing of the past with the arrival of the summer file.
There is no denying that it is still very brilliant to be a rookie and think about it.
Although not as famous as the fifth generation directors, the evaluation is still very high.
But the problem is that it is easy to find Britney Spears as such, but it is not easy to make Britney Spears stay in Drea and become a flag artist.
After all, anyone can imagine that no one will give up being exclusive and join his brokerage company freely and be exploited.
Perhaps it was the saying that speaking of the devil, Fang Siyi felt that she didn’t know how to say that when Britney joined Drea, Li Xiaoping came.
There is also an unexpected news.
"Forty-percent film rows and five-percent box office ladder share" saw Fang Siyi’s first face and Li Xiaoping threw an unexpectedly rich sugar-coated cannonball.
Fang Siyi asked directly, "Sweet?"
"Ah, you guessed it." Li Xiaoping nodded his head.
It’s not surprising that Britney Spears can find Fang Siyi. After all, now he’s somehow famous.
Although his position may not be as outstanding as that of the fifth generation director, he is still very famous compared with the mediocre sixth generation director
It’s not an accident to find him.
In fact, according to the rate of return of his two films, every film has made money.
Never mind why, "Fang Siyi = making money" is an identity for capitalists.
It’s always been like this in the circle. The reality is desperate.
It’s not surprising that Suoda Tiantian found Fang Siyi.
Fang Siyi didn’t refuse directly, but said, "I want to meet her in person."

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