Well, he said, although it’s not too white, when will you reach your age


Her smile widened, and today she said briefly
He looked at her for a long time and then pulled her into his arms and kissed her without saying a word.
Tagus has observed two orcs for a long time. At this moment, he left them in disgust. Their animal performance is simply an insult. It is much better to be a Mana Ari. The way for Mana Ari to vent his desires has always been violence rather than matching. Except for those females with wings and tails, he is more manly. In fact, he prefers to kill those two animals with low estrus on the spot. Unfortunately, the master’s observation order is clear, but these two things will not return to the tribe, which will arouse doubts, even though they are not only ants but also ants.
Tagus will obey his master’s orders.
Revenge Kilgardan mused that revenge is like the sweetest when a tree is really mature. In the exhausted years, he doubted whether he could find those who betrayed Ereda, but now with every word Tagus said, his hope is rising and his pleasure is increasing.
Tagus did a perfect job. He found the once powerful Willem and his poor hands to create a city. He observed their way of life. They hunted like those low-level creatures who called themselves orcs and grew grain by themselves. He saw their rudeness, easy race and courtesy. It was so funny that Tagus felt some shadows in the little technology left in their building. But on the whole, Tagus felt that Kilgardan would be very happy to see his former friend degenerate into this position.
They now call themselves Delaney, and they named the world Delano.
Kil ‘jaeden found Tagus confused, because he didn’t put the topic on Willem, but asked more questions about the orcs. How would they be structured, who were their leaders and how were they chosen? What characteristics did they value most and what qualities did they value most?
But Tagus’ duty is to report, not to judge, and he answered dutifully. When Kilgardan finally digested the information and didn’t even let go of the names of the two animals that were in heat after killing, he finally satisfied himself.
It’s been so long that he can finally get the promised revenge. Willem will be punished for following him, but this punishment will not be a happy death, and it will not be a fate torn to pieces by the high-ranking Ereda army. That’s too kind for them. Yes, Kilgardan wants them to die, but he wants them to collapse first, to be completely humiliated, and to crush them mercilessly with the help of insects under their boots.
Now he has learned the perfect chapter 6.
The lesson of the past is bitter, full of blood and death, but ironically, what almost destroyed us saved us in the end, that is, unity. Once every clan was loyal to itself and devoted itself to its own people, regardless of others. When we first United, that unity was a terrible mistake for the purpose. We are still atoning today. It is not us. My future generations will pay the price for this mistake, but that unity is brilliant. That is, I hope to learn from the ashes of history and urge me to talk with so many ethnic leaders with different appearances so that we can pursue our common proud goal together.
Unity and harmony is a good lesson that I learned in the past, and I did very well.
Nero Zu looked up at the evening sky and was satisfied. Tonight, the sunset was dazzling, and his ancestors’ souls would be very happy. He wanted to feel a little proud.
Another Koshkag Festival has come and gone. Recently, he feels that time has passed faster and faster, and every festival is also sad.
His old friend Kashur, who knew that the Frostwolf clan honored her mother as one of the ancestors’ spirits, heard that she died very bravely. Although she had not done strenuous exercise for many years, they tracked a group of split-hoofed cows, and the elderly mother became a fighter striker. She was trampled by the cattle and no one came to save her. Naizu knew that her clan was praising her life while she was sad. This is the way of leaving this world. He couldn’t help wondering if he could see her again tonight. Secretly scolding himself, he will see her when she wishes to be in front of him. For shamans, the death of relatives and friends will not bring great sorrow, because they can still see their love, listen to their wisdom and feel their love.
During this period, the Frost Wolf clan experienced more than one tragedy. One day, their leader, Garad, was also unfortunate. It was a sunny day. The Frost Wolf clan’s hunting party encountered three ogres, one Golon, who had insufficient brains but was extremely cunning. In the end, the orcs won, but they paid a great price, and they did their best to save the lives of other people in Garad.
However, Naizu felt not only sad about losing a leader he knew and respected, but also won a new identity for young blood. Lekashur spoke highly of durotan. From Naizu’s perspective, this young man would become an excellent leader. Naizu was also present when durotan was awarded the title of patriarch, and noticed the beautiful and fiery girl in the audience who watched the ceremony with different interests. Naizu was sure that Dellacqua would really become the new patriarch partner of the frost wolf clan on a Koshagar Festival.
He sighed and looked at the golden sunset, thinking about the scenes in his mind, and year after year passed, bringing blessings and asking for sacrifices.
He walked into his hut, which he once shared with a partner, and she died a few years ago and joined the ranks of ancestors’ souls. Over the years, Lucan has visited her from time to time and never said anything. The truth is that every time he touches her soul, it seems to melt his heart, and he opens it to other people more thoroughly. He misses her hoarse smile and her warmth at night, but he is satisfied now. Maybe he thinks Lucan will come tonight.
He adjusted a potion, read the spell lightly and drank the potion slowly, which would not help people to see the ancestors’ souls. They don’t want to see this now, and sometimes they will appear at the moment he least expected. However, in the long years, the old shaman realized that some herbs can help people open their hearts, so that when the ancestors really decided to visit, they would remember everything he saw more clearly the next morning.
Nerazu closed his eyes and immediately opened them again. He knew that he was already asleep.
The two of them were at the top of the mountain. He loved Lucan deeply. At first, they were watching the sunset. Then he found that the sun was rising instead of setting at night. The sunlight reflected the sky with amazing beauty, but it was a rushing beauty rather than a quiet calm. It was a crimson, deep purple and orange color, which made Nai Aozu’s heart surge.
Lucan turned to him and smiled. She spoke to him for the first time since she breathed her last breath on this earth.
Naiozu, my partner, this is a new one.
He gasped, trembling with excitement, and his heart was filled with love for her, which made a splendid day and brought him a new one.
You have led our people well, she said, but now it is time to expand the ancient road and our interests.
Something bothers his mind. Lucan has never been a shaman, she has never been a leader, and she has always been her perfect self. This is enough for Nai Aozu, but she didn’t have the prestige to make her say such things before she died. Nai Aozu dumped this idea and secretly scolded herself for not being pious enough. He has never been a soul. Although he knows the soul, almost everyone can think about it. He also knows that before he really becomes a member of the soul, he will never know how Lucan can not speak for the ancestors’ souls.
I’m listening to him.
She smiled. I know you will. She said that the orcs will usher in a dark and dangerous period. We only came together at the Koshag Festival. We want to be born one race at a time. This independent phenomenon must be eliminated.
Lucan looked at the rising sun, and his face was covered with a shadow. He wondered why Nero Zu wanted to touch her. She shared her sorrow just like when she was alive, but now he knows that he can’t force her to talk if he touches her. He sat quietly and waited, intoxicated with her beauty and pricked up his ears to catch her voice.
The world is a stain, and she said quietly that it is a threat and must be removed.
Go ahead, I will do it. Naizu sincerely swears that the soul of my ancestors decided that I would always respect it.
Then she turned to him, and her eyes looked into him, and it was getting brighter.
When this stain is removed, our people will hold their heads high, much better than now, strength and glory will belong to us, the world will belong to us, and you, Nero Zu will become ethnic leaders.
A certain tone in her words made Nero Zu’s heart thump. He was already strong, respected and admired. In fact, he was already an orc leader. Although he could say his real name, now he felt more desire and fear, but he had to face it.
So what is this threat that must be removed before the orcs can get something?
She told him.
What does this mean? durotan asked.
Among his clan, he believes that two people have breakfast together. One is his fiancee Dellacqua, who will hold her wedding on a full moon, and the other is the new chief shaman Draktar.

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