This is not my opinion, master Bruno. Maria said that your mother had explained your father’s work to you, right?


Oh, I’m tired of listening to his work. Bruno interrupted Maria. It sounds like these fathers work, this father work and that father work, which means we have to leave home, slide the handrail from me and have three best friends in our lives. I think my father will definitely think twice, won’t he?
At this time, there was a creaking sound outside the door. Bruno looked over and saw that his parents’ door was slightly hit. He seemed to be frozen for a while and his mother was still in the building. This means that his father has come back. He may have heard Bruno talking just now. Bruno stared at the door and could hardly breathe, thinking that his father might come and take him to the building for a severe lecture.
The door slowly opened, and a figure appeared. Bruno came back, but it wasn’t his father. Many men were younger than his father, and he wasn’t as tall as his father. But he wore the same military uniform as his father, but he didn’t have so many medals. He looked serious. The hat was tightly buckled on his head from his sideburns. Bruno could see that his blond hair was very yellow, or he walked to the stairs with a box in his hand. But when he saw Bruno looking at him there, he stopped for a moment. He looked at the child as if he had never seen a child. He seemed to be hesitant about what to do with him
Who is he? Bruno asked the young man who looked serious and busy, so Bruno recognized him as an important person.
I think he is one of your father’s soldiers. Maria said that when this man is standing up straight, she puts her hands on her chest like a prayer, but she still stares at the floor without looking at his face, as if looking directly at him, he will turn to stone, and Maria will be relieved until he leaves. We will know them.
I think I don’t think he Bruno said he was too serious.
Your father is also very serious, Maria said
Yes, but he is a father. Bruno should explain that his father should be serious. He is a vegetable shop owner, a teacher, a chef or a commander. He lists all the respectable fathers he knows, but I don’t think that person is a father, although he looks very serious, I’m sure.
Because they have a serious job, Maria sighed and said, at least they think so, but if I were you, I would avoid them.
I think so, too. Bruno said sadly, I can’t think of anyone here to play with me except Gretel, but what do you mean by playing with her? She is a hopeless child.
He felt that he was going to cry again, but he finally refrained from wanting to look like a baby in front of Maria. He looked around his room, but his eyes kept off the ground. He hoped to find something interesting, but there was nothing missing. At this moment, something caught his eye. At that corner of the door, a window on the ceiling extended to the wall, which was not that high as that on the top floor of the former Berlin house. Bruno looked at the window and estimated that he could look through it without tiptoeing.
He walked slowly towards the window, hoping that he could see all the houses in Berlin from this window, drinking foam drinks next to tables and chairs on the street, joking people. He walked slowly because he didn’t want to be disappointed, but it was a little boy’s room. After a few steps, he walked to the window, and he put his face against the glass and looked out. This time, his eyes widened and his mouth opened into an O-shape, and his arms clung to his body because he felt cold and a little uneasy.
The third chapter can save medicine child
Bruno is convinced that it might be better to leave Gretel in Berlin to look at the house because she is just a burden. In fact, Bruno has heard on many occasions that she was born a big trouble.
Gretel is three years older than Bruno, and she has always stressed to Bruno that when it comes to this world, especially when it comes to the two of them, she has the final say. Bruno doesn’t want to admit that he is a little afraid of Gretel, but he is honest with himself, which is what he has been trying to do, so he has to admit it.
She is worried about some common cases of her sisters. She will stay in the health room for a long time, but she will wait anxiously outside the door for Bruno, who is jumping around the door in despair.
Her room shelf is full of dolls. Whenever Bruno enters her room, he will be surrounded by these dolls and stared at by them. He is sure that he will sneak into her room to explore while Gretel is away one day. Then her dolls will report on her when she comes back. She also has a group of annoying friends. They always play tricks on Bruno. If Bruno is three years older than them, he will not do such a dirty thing. Gretel friends will play tricks on him and make fun of him when his mother Maria is away.
Bruno is not nine years old or six years old. One of Gretel’s friends is a big monster. He always talks in a bad accent over and over again, and he sings and dances around him and pokes his fingers in his ribs.
I’m not six. I’m nine. Bruno protested and tried to escape.
Then why are you so short? Nine-year-olds are taller than you.
This is a fact and a sore point for Bruno, who is shorter than other boys in his class. In fact, he almost reaches other shoulders. Whenever he walks along the road with Carl Daniel Martin, people always think that he is the younger brother of one of the other three, but in fact, he is the second oldest among the four.
Are you sure that the six-year-old monster is still saying that Bruno will run for stretching exercise at this time, hoping that he will have grown a foot or two when he wakes up early the next morning?
One advantage of being away from Berlin is that he is far away from those people, and he is no longer tortured by them. Maybe he needs to stay in this new house for a period of time, for example, a month, so that when he comes home, he will grow taller and they will not dare to treat him so viciously. On second thought, he feels a little better. After all, his mother told him to be happy.
He ran to Gretel’s room and didn’t knock. Gretel was arranging her dolls in rows of shelves.
What are you doing here? she shouted around. Don’t you know it’s rude to break into a lady’s room without knocking?
You didn’t bring all the dolls, did you? Bruno asked. He has developed a habit of not talking about his sister.
Of course I brought her to answer you. Will I leave them at home? What, it may take us weeks to go back?
Bruno was disappointed for a few weeks, but he was actually happy because he had to stay here for one month less. Do you really think so?
I asked my father, and he said that we will spend all our time here in the foreseeable future.
What is visible in the future? Bruno is sitting by her bed.
It’s several weeks from now, Gretel said while nodding his head. It may take three weeks.
That’s great. Bruno said let’s stay for a few days. Not for a month. I hate it here.
Gretel looked at her brother and found that they had reached an agreement for the first time. I know how you feel. She said it’s not so good here, right?
Terrible, Bruno said
Yes, Gretel admits this. It’s very bad here now, but the decoration may look better. I heard from my father that people who lived together before soon lost their jobs, so why not pick up their houses?
Go together Bruno asked what it was to go together.
Going together is not a thing. Bruno Gretel sighed and said that going together is going together.
So what exactly is going together, Bruno? It’s not for nothing.
Going together is the name of this room, Gretel explained.
Bruno thought for a moment, but he didn’t see the famous door of this room outside the house, and he didn’t write his room in Berlin, and his name was No.4.
What the hell does that mean? Bruno asked angrily, why are you going together
Maybe it means that the people who used to live here will go together. I guess Gretel said that they might not be able to do things well with the people who used to live here, so they were asked to find a capable person
You mean father.

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