The quicksand tried to drown him. Wherever he went, the sand fell on his head and tried to drown him in the sand.


Haikui is not afraid at all. His eyes are red and he only wants to kill. Will he worry about his own life and death? Of course not!
He struck the sand twice with his sword, and the sword was cut off. After a pause, it will still pour down without any influence.
The sand hit him like a sledgehammer, but Haikui felt carefree. He looked up and roared at the sky. "Come on, even if you are the sky, what am I afraid of!"
The fat man controlled his instrument with a black face and shouted, "In my world, I am the sky. How long can you be heroic!" "
The fat man said, and the whole world was one of darkness. Next, Haikui felt very dizzy. Suddenly, his body sank, and a strong suction sucked him to the ground.
In the next scene, heaven and earth turned upside down, and the sky reached Haikui’s feet and stood firmly on Haikui’s head.
The sand on the earth is like a waterfall, pouring down and slamming on Haikui. When Haikui’s eyes are closed, the whole person almost turns his back.
Fat man’s figure, at this time is in a dark space, this space several directions flashing light, a steady stream of towards him in front of a ball with a head big conveying reiki, his hands vanity on the ball.
The ball is transparent, and there is Haikui in it, but it has been reduced countless times!
Fat corners of the mouth with a sneer, he constantly play definitely reinforce the law, at the same time operating the inside of the heaven and earth.
Haikui Zhenyuan’s power runs wildly, protecting the body from the broken sand, but this crazy sand like a waterfall never stops. After falling, it will turn the world upside down and do it again, as if it were endless and endless!
Hai Kui’s smashing was seven meat and eight vegetables, and he became more and more angry, but he could only get angry, but there was nothing he could do. The real yuan of his body lost quickly, and it was estimated that it would be exhausted in a short time and then smashed into paste by quicksand.
Haikui’s red eyes looked at the heavens and the earth once again, and the sand fell from the sky again. This time, he didn’t fight hard, let the sand hit him hard, and buried him in the sand. Haikui’s five-element escape operation, with the technique of soil escape, quickly dived, and the true qi quickly converged and hid in the sand.
The fat man’s eyes and pupils are miniature. He can’t see Haikui, but he can still feel Haikui on the sphere, but not seeing him makes the fat man feel uncomfortable.
He spins the ball crazily, and the heaven and earth are constantly changing, and the speed of transformation is getting faster and faster, but his true elements are not endless. After rotating for many times, he also feels a little exhausted and has to stop, but Haikui still hides in the sand.
The fat man snorted and said, "Boy, when can you hide?"
Haikui listened to him, but didn’t answer. He gritted his teeth and insisted. It made people feel very uncomfortable, but at this time he had little reason, but he could persist.
The fat man hit a law, and opened his mouth to spray a true qi on the ball. The world slowly changed, and the sand inside slowly turned into a sharp knife, axe, spear or sledgehammer.
A world in a grain of sand is so right in this place.
Haikui’s figure was forced out, and he looked at the flying swords, sharp knives and blaster arrows that roared by him. He tried his best to dodge, and he had no doubt that these swords could crush him.
Although it is a land of illusion, it is too real.
The fat man sneered, "Boy, you can’t hide in the sand. Anyway, taste the moment of swords and shadows."
Fat voice down, HaiKui around countless clank sound, it is clearly the voice of countless iron trembling, HaiKui quickly launched, overlooking the underground with countless iron in the air.
Suddenly, a scream sounded, and some ironware moved, rushing towards Haikui with a shrill voice, in all directions and everywhere!
The red blood in Haikui’s eyes faded slightly over time, but the body trembled more and more violently, the veins stood out still suddenly and violently, and the blood of 7 was still oozing out.
There’s no way to dodge!
Holding the starlight sword in his hand, Haikui looked down and said, "Would you like to kill with me until the last moment?"
There was a loud bang of the zither, and the starlight sword let out a scream, which was an answer to Haikui’s question.
Haikui raised his eyebrows and laughed. "Well, anyway, I’m alone now, little master." He pointed a sword at the sky and said, "Even if I try my best, I won’t make you feel better."
Zhou Lin sighed lightly in Haikui’s mind. He understood Haikui’s meaning, and he also made the method of out-of-body experience, ready to find a new body to rebuild.
Haikui pointed a sword at the sky, and the powerful force of truth broke out. At this time, he had no scruples and no reservations. He wanted to use up all his last strength to volatilize the pain of losing his parents!
The first wave of sword rain came quickly, and the clank made the whole space tremble. Haikui’s body spun rapidly, just like a gyro, scattering all the rushed swords and arrows.
The zither rang again, and the second wave of sword rain immediately followed, leaving Haikui no room to stop.
Fat man with a smile, he can feel the power of Haikui’s true yuan is rapidly weakening, hey hey, this boy’s cultivation is going to fall, and it will be his death soon.
He suddenly felt a little pity for him. It’s good to practice at a young age, but pity doesn’t prove that he will let Haikui live. Sometimes it is necessary to get rid of the roots!

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