A moment later, Anthony’s quaint face finally showed a terrible color: "What’s going on, how come there is no fluctuation of breath!" Anthony’s perception swept across the warehouse, but he felt a resistance coming, and his perception was excluded from the outside, so it was difficult to push one point!


"Qin Chu, Qin Chu, I still look down on you …" Anthony muttered, then slowly closed his eyes and stood outside like a dead tree.
In the warehouse, Qin Chu took out the sapphire symbol card and arranged the fire array and Dan fire array respectively.
Pinch the spirit tactic, the real yuan in the body gurgled and moved, and the powerful gods also cooperated with the real yuan, and the silver-gray symbols shot into the two fire arrays.
Flames gushed from the two major formations, and Suzaku Ding suddenly appeared, with a tripod body more than two meters high standing in the flames. It’s like a phoenix, which gives people the feeling of oppression.
Rosefinch opened his mouth, and Qin Chu put the processed medicinal materials into Dan Ding. From the jade box, he took out the resurrection grass and put it in the cauldron.
Swallow a few big Dan, really yuan immediately surge up, Qin Chu immediately pinched the spirit tactic, hit the Dan Ding, the huge Suzaku Ding, slowly turning.
Around the surging vitality like found the entrance, toward the rosefinch Dan Ding chung. Suzaku Dan Ding comes to the net and is absorbed into the Ding Lu one after another.
The bloody lines in the crystal furnace body gradually light up, and with the influx of vitality, they become brighter and brighter!
Outside, the Gankun gathering spirit array is in a hurry, and its shocking vitality fluctuates, stirring around San Diego Cathedral. The vitality of the whole imperial city has been disturbed. Some powerful people have sensed this change in succession, and they are frightened. When it is detected that the fluctuation is coming from the San Diego Cathedral, they pretend that nothing has happened and continue to do what they should do.
There are also bold, three powerful perceptions that swept this way.
Anthony, who hangs like a dead tree, slowly opens his eyes, and two strange flames jump in his eyes. The four senses are like fingers being stabbed, and they are immediately removed.
In another clause, the president of the Magic Guild, with a wry smile, gently took out his handkerchief and wiped his bleeding nostrils.
At the same time, there was a white man in the secret room of the Imperial Palace who vomited one mouthful blood and also had a wry smile.
On the back of the colorful giant bird, the handsome young man, bleeding from seven orifices, stood up with his dark green head and looked ferocious.
After all this, Anthony looked at the warehouse and smiled bitterly: "You have caused me a lot of trouble …"
At the moment, Qin Chu’s situation is not good enough!
The vitality in the warehouse is decreasing!
"How is it possible that the Gankun Gathering Array outside has failed?" Qin Chu was surprised to feel that the vitality in the warehouse was getting less and less, and the flames on the fire array and Dan fire array were fluttering and going out.

Chapter 048 【 Nature Dan 】
Continuous crunchy, arranged from the fire array of sapphire symbols, instantly broken into a jade chip.
Two array to one, only Dan fire array is still barely supporting. Without the flame support from the fire array, the flame outside the Suzaku Ding is more vacillating, like a candle in the wind, ready to go out.
Qin Chu was in a hurry.
At the moment, the Gankun Gathering Array outside the warehouse is running, and Youzi is constantly gathering vitality here. However, the vitality outside the San Diego Cathedral seems to be dragged by a more powerful force, and the Gankun Gathering Array is constantly running, but the vitality absorbed is still less and less.
Finally, the Gankun Gathering Spirit Array and the invisible forces outside formed a brief balance!
"It’s actually a robbery!" Qin Chu mind the word, suddenly wry smile.
There are many forms of Dan robbery, and the most direct and overbearing one is Lei robbery. With the power of lightning, people and Dan furnaces are directly blown to pieces. This kind of Dan robbery is comparable to the power of crossing the sky. Secondly, there are other less powerful wind robbery, water robbery, fire robbery and so on.
But the most insidious thing is this vitality robbery! Under the threat of vitality, even if the top-grade fairy stone is used, the vitality can’t be gathered into a fire in the Dan furnace, but will only be continuously dispersed!
Without the injection of vitality, the arranged fire array will not work, and it will not be an alchemist at all!
Refining Dan medicine, the most feared thing is to give up halfway. Once you give up halfway, a batch of medicinal materials will be completely destroyed!
It’s not easy to find the nine dead resurrection grass. Qin Chu doesn’t want to gamble on himself again. Can he still find the nine dead resurrection grass in Zhaluo Lake?
A grind, Qin Chu took out a handful of big Dan, gulped it down.
When Dahuan Dan melted, the real yuan produced rushed into the meridians, and the real yuan in the body surged up, looking for a vent.
Qin Chu hands knot, handprint on the mouth, chest fiercely bulging.
"hoo ~"
Long red flame, from Qin Chu mouth jet out. The flaming flame instantly wrapped Dan Ding. Rosefinch Dan Ding turned up again. The medicinal materials inside quickly melted and mixed together, and the dense fog flowed in the cauldron.
The occult art of fire-the fire element art of big blowing! The true element in the body immediately turns into a real fire. These arcane skills are compulsory spells for the disciples of Lian Bao Ge, in order to cope with unexpected situations.
The fire element technique of big blowing, the real fire spewed out, and a lot of real elements. True yuan is more pure than original qi, and the effect is not inferior to original qi.
But … This fire line hermetic is a high-order spell, but it is not Qin Chu can cast. The amount of true elements required for the fire element technique of big blowing is extremely huge, and it can only be used safely if it is cultivated above the then Dan period.
Qin Chu is just the foundation period, and the real yuan in the body is simply not enough.
Although Qin Chu was prepared and swallowed a large amount of Dahuan Dan, he could produce plenty of genuine yuan in a short time, but the most critical thing was not the problem of genuine yuan, but the damage caused by the rapid operation of a large number of genuine yuan in the body!
The swift river will always do harm to the river bank!
At the moment, there have been bursts of pain in Qin Chu meridians, which is a sign that the body is surging rapidly and damaging the meridians!
True elements surge wildly in the meridians, and the meridians swell, and there is a tearing pain. If we go on like this, the rush of Zhenyuan will completely tear up the fragile meridians in Qin Chu.
Qin Chu know this situation, the in the mind with a hesitation, but the creature Dan has reached the most critical time, as long as you stick to it, may reverse the form, but at that time his meridians may also be broken … Should you withdraw your hand?

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